Natron salt edible
Natron salt edible

In common use in Egypt, salt was mixed with water and vinegar into a sauce known as oxalme, and (separately) combined with fish and fish parts into a condiment similar to today’s fish sauce. Back then in the Old Kingdom, salt was harvested from lakebeds via a process sometimes referred to as “dragging and gathering.” These saltworks were known in Arabic as sebkha. By 500 BC, the happy consequence of preserving soybeans in salt, a savory liquid that later became known as soy sauce, was discovered.Īncient Egyptians also prized the compound, and salted fish and birds have been found in tombs of the wealthy that were sealed over four thousand years ago.

natron salt edible

Although salt surely must have been used in a variety of ways, one of the most popular, salting fish to preserve it, appears in the records of the Xia Dynasty by about 2000 B.C. Human cultivation of salt is ancient, and the earliest known salt harvesting is believed to have occurred at Lake Yuncheng, in the Chinese province of Shanxi around 6000 BC. bring a zombie back to life is with salt. In traditional Japanese theater, salt was sprinkled on the stage to protect the actors from evil spirits.

natron salt edible

Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans included salt in sacrifices and offerings. Indian troops pledged their loyalty to the British with salt. in both Islam and Judaism, salt seals a bargain. keeps the agreement between God and his people. As a rare yet necessary commodity, over the ages, it has taken on a supernatural aspect:

Natron salt edible